Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'm on fire.

Last night was an interesting first night all by myself in my apartment. I came home to a rather hot and sweaty home, as the window air conditioning unit in my studio broke at some point over the weekend. The fan was on circulating hot, humid air. Being sick and fevery did not help the situation at all. I took a trip to Wal-Mart and purchased a fan for 20$ and cuddled that fine piece of machinery during my three hours of restful sleep.

This morning my property manager arrived promptly at 730am (impressive) and returned again at some point this afternoon while I was orientating to grad school with a brand new DIGITAL air conditioner. My apartment is still a bit uncomfortable, but my new shiny ac is chugging away. Things should be back to normal by tomorrow, I'm sure. Kitty appreciates the new ammenities for sure. He is up and running, playing with various TV cords and the like at this very moment.

Orientation was.
I am taking intro to counseling, professional ethics in counseling, counseling theories, and group counseling. I don't have class tomorrow, but Friday is a doozey, as I have two classes scheduled on that day and I will be on campus from 830-350. The walk from my apartment to my building is very short. It's nice to not have to rely on a car. I really like where I am and I hope to stay here fir the next three years of my little life. Oh yeah, that's another thing- I realized today that there is no getting out of here in two years. I need to start bracing myself for the long haul.

I am missing a lot of people in Jax, some more so than others. =) For now I'll indulge in a little escapism and pick up where I left off in my book, Middlesex.


Autrelle, that's who. said...

yes please
for those of us that can't live without you keep this up
pictures please

James Stamper said...

digital ACs are snazzy. don't be a stranger and likewise for me